The EuroLine Advantage
for Greener Homes and
Home Efficiency Rebate

More Ontario residents now qualify for an enhanced renovation rebate of up to $10,000. Qualify for the highest amount with EuroLine windows and doors- all meet or exceed NRCan energy star “most efficient” product. Receive project estimates and help with the rebate application by filling out the form below.
More Ontario Residents
Now Qualify
Grant funding through the Canada Greener Homes and now Enbridge Gas Grants are available for all eligible Canadians. These programs offer up to $10,600 in rebates, and Canadians can access them regardless of their home heating fuel type.
Type Of Homes That Qualify
Enbridge Gas Customers
Non-Enbridge Gas Customers
Non-Owner Occupied Houses (i.e. Rental Houses)
Off-Grid Communities
Multi-Residential Buildings
Increased Amounts and Number of Rebates
Energy savings from high-quality windows save costs every year, providing a return on investment in about 7-8 years: a win-win for the consumer and environment
Include Doors In Your Rebate
Few companies have high-performance doors that qualify for rebates. Receive the maximum rebate possible on both windows and swing or sliding doors with EuroLine Windows.
Product Features
Custom Configured
In size, shape, and virtually any finish allows developers and architects to dramatically improve the performance of buildings
Triple Gasket System
Provides outstanding air, water, and noise resistance
Custom IGUs built to suit performance targets with warm edge spacer bar technology create a virtually thermal bridge free detail
What does the Process
Look Like?
- Get an estimate from EuroLine Windows and discuss all options
- We will connect you with an Enbridge-certified energy consultant who will streamline the application process
- Order and receive EuroLine windows and doors within 8 weeks
- Enbridge certified consultant verifies the performance
- Receive Home Efficiency Rebate Plus, Greener Homes Grant, or other applicable rebates